Khóa học cùng chuyên gia

Viết Một Thư Hỏi Hàng

Enquiries: Tell your supplier what sort of organization / company you are; Tell your supplier how / in what way you heard their name; Talk about the state of the market; Ask for catalogue and price list, etc.; Ask for detail



    1. Tell your supplier what sort of organization / company you are

    • We are a co-operative wholesale society based in Zurich.
    • Our company is a subsidiary of Universal Business Machines and we specialize / deal in ...
    • We are one of the main producers of industrial chemicals in Germany and at the moment, we are interested in your ...
    • We are one of the leading / main trading companies dealing in building materials.
    • We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as a chain store located / based / headquartered in HCM city, specializing in ...
    • We are now in the market for ... and wish to purchase ...
    • We are now thinking of the possibility of expanding our business into ...

    2. Tell your supplier how / in what way you heard their name

    • We were impressed by the selection / collection of gardening tools (that were) displayed on your stand at this year’s Hamburg Gardening Exhibition.
    • By the introduction of Singaporean Commercial Counselor / Vietnamese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we are pleased / glad to learn that you are a famous / sole / exclusive supplier of ...
    • We have seen your advertisement for your new machine in the latest edition / issue of Saigon Times.
    • Our associates in the packaging industry speak highly of your Zeta packing machines, and we would like to have more information about them. Could you send us ...
    • We were given your name by the Hoteliers’ Association in Paris.
    • You were recommended to us by ...
    • We were advised by ... that you are interested in supplying ...
    • The British Consulate in Madrid has told us that you are looking for an agent in Spain to represent you.

    3. Talk about the state of the market

    • We believe that there is a potential / promising market in our area for goods of this kind.
    • There is a high / steady demand in this country for this kind of product, although sales are not particularly high, goods prices are obtained.

    4. Ask for catalogue and price list, etc.

    • We would appreciate it if you could send us an up-to-date catalogue / price list for your machine.
    • Would you please send us your latest / current catalogue with details of your prices and payment and delivery terms / terms of payment and delivery.
    • (See more on page 39, Commercial Correspondence)

    5. Ask for detail

    • (See page 39, Commercial Correspondence)

    6. Ask for sample, pattern and demonstration

    • When replying, could you please enclose a pattern card?
    • We would also appreciate it if you could send us at least two examples of the “Sprite” range?
    • It would be helpful if you could send us samples and a pattern card of the designs in which they are supplied.
    • I would find it most helpful if you could also supply us with some samples of the materials so that we can test / check / examine the texture and quality.
    • I would be grateful if you could arrange for one of your representatives to call on me within the next two weeks.
    • Could you tell me where I can see a demonstration of this system?


    7. Ask for discount and suggest methods of payment

    • Could you let us know if you allow cash discounts?
    • We would like to know if you could offer any trade / cash discount.
    • We usually deal on a 30% trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for / on orders over 1000 units.
    • As we intend to place a substantial order, we would like to know what quantity discounts you allow.
    • As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity discount in addition to a 20% trade discount off net prices, and our terms of payment are normally 30-day B/E / D/A.
    • As a rule, our suppliers allow us to settle our accounts on a D/A basis / by monthly statement and we can offer the usual references if necessary.
    • We would also like to point out that we usually settle our accounts on a D/A basis with payment  by 30-day bill of exchange.

    8. Ask for goods on approval / on sale or return

    • Would it be possible for you to supply us with a range on approval / a range on an approval basis to see if we can encourage a demand for this product? Three months would probably be enough to establish a market if there is one.
    • As this line is new to us, would it be possible for us to have about 100 units on sale or return to test the market demand?
    • The leaflet advertising your latest hobby magazines interested us, and we would like to stock a selection of them. However, we would only consider placing an order if it was on the usual basis of sale or return. If this is acceptable, we will send you a firm order.

    9. Ask for estimate or tender

    • (See page 41, Commercial Correspondence)

    10. Closing

    • We hope to hear from you in the near future.
    • We look forward to receiving your offer soon and hope that the business relationship between us will be good in the future.
    • We would be grateful for an early reply.
    • Finally, we would like to point out that delivery before Christmas is essential, and hope that you can offer us that guarantee.
    • If the concessions we have asked for could be met, we would place a trial / bulk / large / substantial / regular / repeat order.
    • If you can agree to the concessions we have asked for, we will place a substantial order.
    • Prompt delivery would be necessary as we have a rapid turnover. We would therefore need your assurance that you could meet all delivery dates.
    • If the product is satisfactory, we will place further orders with you in the future.
    • If the prices quoted are competitive and the quality (is) up to standard, we will order on a regular basis.
    • Provided (that) you can offer favorable quotations and guarantee delivery within four weeks from receipt of order, we will place regular order with you.

    heart Xuất nhập khẩu Sài Gòn - SIMEX là trung tâm hàng đầu Việt Nam hiện nay cung cấp các khóa đào tạo xuất nhập khẩu từ tổng quan đến chuyên sâu trong ngành ngoại thương, kinh doanh quốc tế, xuất nhập khẩu, logistics. Các khóa học xuất nhập khẩu bao gồm:

    1. Nghiệp vụ xuất nhập khẩu Tổng hợp
    2. Chuyên sâu mua bán hàng hóa quốc tế
    3. Chuyên sâu Merchandise - Triển khai đơn hàng quốc tế
    4. Chuyên sâu Chứng từ Xuất nhập khẩu và Khai báo hải quan
    5. Chuyên sâu Logistics và Cước vận tải
    6. Chuyên sâu Tiếng Anh Thương Mại
    7. Chuyên sâu Đào tạo In-house theo yêu cầu doanh nghiệp

    Mọi chi tiết về Khóa họcGiảng viên và Lịch khai giảng, tham khảo tại hoặc Hotline 0327567988 để được tư vấn chuyên môn và tư vấn khóa học xuất nhập khẩu miễn phí.

    NCS Tiến sĩ Quản trị Kinh doanh Quốc tế

    "Khi giảng dạy, tôi thường chia sẻ những điều tôi từng làm sai và lỗi lầm trong công việc và sự nghiệp, còn những cái đúng, đã có sách vở."


    Zalo tư vấn chat Simex Gọi tư vấn chat Simex Tư vấn 24/07 Zalo tư vấn chat Simex